From E-commerce
platforms to virtual

A trip down memory lane. To be expanded one day.

Airline Reservation Management System(Team Project)

Successfully created a working replica model of real time Airline Reservation and Management System. The Front End has been developed in Java which has been connected to the Back End developed in MYSQL which holds the
data of Users and Airline Systems like Seats,Offers,Routes etc.

Personal Artificial Intelligence System

Bored during the Corona Pandemic I decided to dive into the Working of famous AI systems like Alexa and Siri. I successfully built a working Personal AI system and its scripting is done in Python.
It can do many things like show the current weather conditions based on your current location,open Spotify to play music,Send Emails and also surf the internet when you search for something.
It supports Voice Recognition.
It is still in development phase and I hope to add some new and exciting features in the future.

Janseva(Team Project)

The Janseva is a Responsive Working Model of anOnline Complaint Registration Portal. This project has been developed by keeping in mind the current scenarios and condition of existing Complaint Registration Systems.This has been developed for use by any Private or Government Organisation but strategically it is more benefitial for the latter. The Front End has been developed completely in Java and the Back End is developed in MYSQL.It has different categories of complaints through which a user can choose and also has necessary features to attach evidence along with the Complaint and fill up all necessary forms.These complaints are stored in the database which can be retrieved by the official authorities and looked upon and do the necessary expected.

Online Website for Plasma and Blood Donation(Team Project)

The Online Blood and Plasma Donation Website is a website for any user who wants to donate blood or plasma can use to do the above. It has been strategically developed keeping in mind the current importance of blood and plasma in the Corona Pandemic. The Front End has been developed completely developed using HTML 5,CSS3 AND JAVASCRIPT and the Back End is developed in PHP. Using this website the interested donors can book appointments for donating the required.It consists of various forms whose data is stored in the database which can be retrieved and accessed by the respective Medical Authorities. It has a perfectly working Sorting and Searching Algorithm which smartly and autonomously shows the nearest blood banks and hospitals based on your current location and also shows navigation routes to it on a small map.

Bus Reservation System(Team Project)

The Bus Reservation System is a software for any user who wants to book tickets on any bus. It has been strategically developed keeping in mind the current importance of Bus Transport System. This software has been developed on C and C++ with relevant Data Structures and Algorithms.It uses completely new Algorithm for Searching and Sorting of Buses available according to various factors like time,no.of seats available and Routes.The Algorithm helps to book seats on a particular bus and also throws error if the seat has already been booked.It also stores the Seat Reservation details for further use.The Algorithm supports intermediate stops and multiple buses.